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Torts Practice Exam

Read the following fact pattern, and answer the question. Give yourself 60 minutes to complete this exam. Do not go over the time limit.

We recommend that you take this exam only after you have completed your study of Negligence issues. If necessary, review the Torts Rules of Law before starting this exam.

Once you have completed the practice exam in the time allotted, then compare your answer with this Torts Sample Answer.

Torts Fact Pattern

David is driving 25 MPH in 25 MPH zone down a four lane street where there are children playing. One nine-year-old child, Kevin, runs into the street chasing a soccer ball. David, without looking over his shoulder, swerves into the other lane to avoid Kevin and in the process he hits a car, driven by Peter, that was speeding past him in the left-hand lane going in the same direction.

Peter loses control of his car, hits a telephone pole and is seriously and permanently injured. The telephone pole, owned by the local phone company TeleCo, easily snaps into two pieces and hits Kevin, who is still in the street, knocking him unconscious and resulting in permanent injuries.

TeleCo never did any testing of its poles to establish how easily the poles broke. The only factor used in manufacturing the poles was cost. The poles were made of low quality trees and were not treated in any significant manner except for a coating of tar. No reinforcement was used on the poles.

Question: What are the various liabilities and rights of the parties involved?

Once you have completed the practice exam in the time allotted, then compare your answer with this Torts Sample Answer.

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